Friday, December 8, 2006


Welcome to Jews For Israel !!!

This is my first blogging attempt. I intend to post interesting articles and links relating to Israel and her position in the world. I will offer my thoughts on those items and encourage you all to to the same.

My basic position is Israel for Jews, forever and ever, Amen.The notion of land for peace is simple nonsense. The muslim arab world wants nothing less than the drowning of every Jew in the Med. They admit it themselves ( That being said, why does the current Israeli government have such a need to placate the world?

Giving Gaza most certainly didn't work...
Giving Yesha won't work...
Giving the Golan won't work...

Time for the Jews of the world to remember that if you ever forget you are Jewish, some muslim murdering terrorist will remind you.

1 comment:

aaron said...

they should call their meeting the hatred symposium. I am curious though; what facts do they have to back up their argument. Oh wait they are arabs they never have historical facts to back up their arguments. Show me one shred of proof from this symposium anything to sunstantiate their claims. they have none. I wonder where the french are in all of this. probably letting the muslims rebuild all the train track and death camps. leeheyot am hofshi